Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Kari's 6th Birthday

Here is Kari with her pile of presents. She was quite disturbed that we weren't having a party so I thought if I wrapped eveything separate it would be a bit more fun.

Here are a few things she got from us: skirt, journal with keys, princess hand bag, and new pink crocs.

And of course, a whole bunch of art supplies. I got tired of her taking all my white paper, so I thought I would just give her her own pack! I didn't know little girls could get so excited over white paper.

Yes, it's a store bought cake, but she was still happy with it. (And please pay no attention to the little boy in skivies in the background.)


  1. Fun, fun!! Happy Birthday to Kari! Fun presents too.
    And I didn't even notice the little boy is skivies until you pointed that out!!

  2. happy birthday kare bear! and the skivies is the first thing i noticed!
