Saturday, January 7, 2012

Dec 2011 Picture Descriptions

Apparantly blogger hates me because every time I try to do something it doesn't work. I wasn't able to put captions with each here are the captions.

1. Braden and Prestond doing Taekwondo. Braden has been doing it since September and currently has an orange belt. Preston joins in whenever he feels like it.
2. Santa came to visit us at our house a week before Christmas. (Boy are some realtors nice these days.)
3. The kiddos with their new (and very large) Christmas pajamas.
4. Christmas morning right before going to church (which was almost pure torture for Preston).
5. Kari and her stocking goodies.
6. Braden and his stocking goodies.
7. And you guessed it, Preston and his stocking goodies.
8. This is a present I got from Kari. It's a pile of things she will do to be better. She got this idea because I wanted the kids to give each other a "service" gift.
9. This is the doll Kari got from Santa and a matching outfit to go with it. She thought it was an American Girl doll....but we all know how cheap Santa is at this house! Thank you K-Mart!

Dec 2011