Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Kari's Bedroom Make-Over

I FINALLY got around to painting Kari's bedroom. I told her she could choose two colors from her bedspread. As you can see, she chose pink and green, I mean 'Orchid Breeze' and 'Little Bit o' Lime.' The gray color was just too dreary!



Monday, April 25, 2011

Pet Rocks for Sale

Kari tries ANYTHING to make a dime. She is constantly trying to find things to make and sell so she can earn some cold hard cash. Well last week she decided to try selling pet rocks. Her and a neighbor girl collected all the nice little rocks they could find and set them out on a bin. They then drew a great selection of faces that could be put on the rocks. The customers were able to pick a rock, a color of marker, and the style of face.

The first picture is a lady across the street who apparently had some mercy on them. You can't really tell by the sign, but each pet rocks is $.10. I'm pretty sure this lady bought three rocks for $.11 however.

They even made a sign to post by the main road.
Being the good mother that I am, I purchased 5 rocks for $1.00. Without Kari realizing it, I had her draw our family on rocks. And this is what we look like. The neighbor girl, Emily, actually drew Steve. ....And I'm not sure what is going on with my very orange skin. I promise I do not look like that.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Braden's Music Program

For Braden's program they performed songs from the past. Braden's main song was Green Acres. I also have posted here the song from Fresh Prince of Belair because I thought it was so cute. The other song is the Lone Ranger and they are using plastic plates for the sound effects.

Kari's Music Program

These are from Kari's music program. The kids were all dressed up as trees, nuts, or little forest animals. The last song is about being 'little nuts." The second one is about being 'big, bad squirrels, and the firstclip is Kari saying her part in the program.

In the last two clips Kari is near the middle of the screen with a green shirt on. She is in the second row. On the first clip she says her part fourth.


For Spring Break this year I decided to take a quick trip to Utah. One of these times it will be a 'long' trip to Utah so I can visit everyone that I want to see. But, until that time happens, my quick trips will only be spent with family. Which is just fine, because I have an awesome one. We got to Ronda's house late Friday night. She wasn't expecting us until Saturday evening, so it was great to surprise her and scare the bejeebers out of her husband...who was standing in the garage when I appeared at the door. We spent a few days at Ronda's house, then went to Sally's for a few days, and then back to Ronda's. After I got home I realized how few pictures I actually took. We didn't really DO anything, but that's the way the kids like it...they just want to play with their cousins.

Sally and Jason have 3 adult rabbits and 5 adorable bunnies. The kids LOVED them and begged to take one home. Guess what the answer was...a big, fat NO! Sorry kids, you have mean parents.

While at Sally's we were also able to have a little visit with Steve's brother Brian, who came over for supper. He informed me that he is ALWAYS available when food is involved.

While at Ronda's the kids got to go on a four-wheeler ride in the trailer. My kids thought it was the best thing in the world. Hmm, maybe I should get some fun toys too.

Kari and Kylee also set up a Beauty Parlor. They did hair and nails. Well, they did Addison's hair, not mine. But I do have some lovely pink and green fingernails and red, gold and purple toe nails. I'll have to post pictures of that when I find Kari's camera. She took WAY more pictures than I did. :)