Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Preston!

The morning of his birthday I watched a little girl from church, so of course I had to turn that into a tiny little party for Preston. Here, Preston and Emily are enjoying a Lightening McQueen cake.

This cake is homemade. yet somewhat lame. I offered to make a cool Lightning cake, but Preston insisted on using these little candy cake toppers.

He received a lot of presents, but I'm only posting one. I'll try to put the rest of them on Facebook. He really wanted a green snake, you can see how happy he is about it.

We gave him some Lightning jammies. Pretty much every present was centered around Mr. McQueen!


  1. Yeah for Preston, the big three. Hey Mom, ANY cake no matter how lame is still awesome!

  2. glad he liked his cheapest gift! happy birthday little guy!

  3. Sally, he thinks I only gave him a CARD!!

  4. Happy Birthday Preston! I still remember the day he was born. Aw, memories.
