A few weeks ago I told the boys to clean up their room. Braden likes to divide the room and have each of them clean a side. Well a little while later Preston came down and said he was done (this has NEVER happened before). I went upstairs to check the room and Preston's side was all clean and Braden's side was a mess. Here is what the conversation sounded like between me and Preston.
Me: Did you really clean your side or did you just throw everything onto Braden's side?
Pog: I cleaned it!
Me: Really? Are you telling the truth?
Pog: Yes mom! (in an exasperated voice)
Me: Really? I may not know if you are telling the truth but Heavenly Father knows.
Pog: Mom, (very matter-of-factly) I lie to you all the time, but this time I'm really telling the truth!
Hmm, do I believe him or not??
9 years ago
ha! that kid cracks me up! did you ever find out the truth? didn't braden intervene?