Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Top 11 Things I Learned on our Cruise

11. Ordering appetizers IS fun when I'm not paying extra for them.

10. Swimming in salt water is not as fun as it appears, and it really burns your throat when swallowed.

9. Reading a book by the pool without having to look up to spot kids every 5 seconds is actually enjoyable.

8. Steve and I have a lot of fun together when real life doesn't get in the way.

7. I love having my bed made for me.

6. Dressing up and looking nice can be fun and I actually like jewelry.

5. SPF 15 is NOT strong enough in the Caribbean.

4. Drunk people should NOT try to dance on a moving ship.

3. Shaving legs is IMPOSSIBLE in a 2 1/2 foot by 2 1/2 foot shower stall.

2. Salsa dancing is MUCH more fun in heels than in tennis shoes (Zumba aerobics class).

1. And finally, a vacation without children (though I did miss them) is FABULOUS!!


  1. you make me want to take a cruise with a friend. sounds like it was a blast!

  2. I'd have to agree with every one of those points!
